Tag Archives: endurance

Moses and Our Rock

Moses has faithfully led the people through forty years since the exodus from Egypt. While not a perfect man, he has a good track record. But even Moses had a bad day and let the LORD down. But the LORD has His plan and our failures cannot thwart His plan. The Rock of our salvation will provide for us. And that day has lessons for us.

Numbers 20:1-13

Taught Sunday morning, November 7, 2021 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we now have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Purpose in the Wilderness

The children of Israel refused to trust God and questioned His love, preferring instead to die in the wilderness than enter the promised land. So the LORD gave them death in the wilderness for the next forty years. But God had other purposes for the wilderness for the children of those generations of rebels. His mercy may not always feel like mercy, if we learn the lessons of the wilderness, we are prepared for our promised land of heaven.

Numbers 14:26-38
Colossians 3:1-4, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, Hebrews 12:1-2, 1 John 3:2-3

Taught Sunday morning, October 31, 2021 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we now have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Missing the blessing

Ten of the spies forgot what they knew to be true once they saw what was ahead. Thus they doubted and believed lies. When we forget the truth, we are just as vulnerable to doubt and fear. Let’s remind ourselves today of what is eternally true.

Numbers 13

Taught Sunday morning, October 17, 2021 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we now have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Necessary for Obedience

Jesus beautifully illustrated the command to love one’s neighbor with the story of the Good Samaritan, where someone who had no reason to show compassion to a hurting person went above and beyond to help.  But how can one have that kind of love for another?  The following episode that Luke reports shows that Jesus answers that question for Mary and Martha.  The most needful thing is to sit at the feet of Jesus to learn of His love.

Luke 10:25-42

Taught Sunday morning, September 26, 2021 by Stuart Estes
Ministry Team Leader at Association of Baptist Students

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we now have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Lose All to Gain All

We were privileged to have Jo from Thailand preach the word of God for us after sharing about his work in Bangkok.  His message was from Matthew 13:44-46 and includes the stirring story of Jim Eliot.  What is your treasure?  Are you willing to lose all in order to gain the treasure of Christ?

Matthew 13:44-46

Taught Sunday morning, May 30, 2021 by Bro. Jo of Thailand

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we now have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Jesus is our Sabbath

The Sabbath reminds us of the Creation Ideal. The Sabbath reminds us of our redemption. The Sabbath reminds us of the Eternal Hope. The Sabbath is fulfilled in Christ Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath. The pastor of Hebrews challenges his readers to not miss out on this opportunity to participate by faith in God’s gift of rest in Jesus Christ. There is no other rest.  Not today.  Not for eternity.

Hebrews 4:1-10

Taught Sunday morning, July 18, 2021 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we now have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Continue Steadfastly

Peter spoke to the crowd in Jerusalem that gathered to discover the meaning of the wind and fire. His message was that the Messiah whom they had crucified had risen from the dead (as promised by God) and now ascended to the right hand of the Father in triumph. Now was the time to repent and believe the testimony. Many chose to do just that, proclaiming their faith in the Messiah with baptism. But louder still was their changed life. Steadfastly, they continued to learn from the apostles and in fellowship with the believers. They ate together and prayed together.

Acts 2:44-46

Taught Sunday morning, June 6, 2021 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we now have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Water from the Rock

The LORD is remarkably patient with His new nation of Israelites. Although they have not done well with the previous exams, the third exam asks about if they will heed their thirst or trust. He patient, even though, once again, they choose contention instead of contentment. It is a test they will face again in the wilderness (Numbers 20). And it is one we face more than we realize. Will we choose to hallow His name with honor or will we defame His grace with doubt?

Exodus 17:1-7 and Numbers 20:1-13

Preached Sunday morning, April 25, 2021 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we now have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Prairie Oaks Baptist Church
402 Viney Grove Road in Prairie Grove, AR
P.O. Box 424, Prairie Grove AR  72753
on Facebook @prairieoaks

Bread of Life

Within a month of their miraculous deliverance from Egypt followed by the Red Sea crossing, the children of Israel are having second thoughts on having left their slavery. Their food ran out. But the LORD allowed them to hunger in order to test them and feed them in His own miraculous way. But the manna from heaven was only a physical symbol of a spiritual reality that we all need to learn. Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from God.

Exodus 16:1-7 and Deuteronomy 8:2-3

Preached Sunday morning, April 18, 2021 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we now have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Prairie Oaks Baptist Church
402 Viney Grove Road in Prairie Grove, AR
P.O. Box 424, Prairie Grove AR  72753
on Facebook @prairieoaks

Bitterness Healed


Bitterness or Blessing. Will we have the faith to turn from our fear and seek God’s provision. The LORD will lead us often times through the wilderness badlands in order that we won’t be distracted from our relationship with Him. But as we see in our story today, God is leading us to places of refreshment if we will follow Him.

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we now have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Exodus 15:22-27

Preached Sunday morning, April 11, 2021 by Brad D Harris

Prairie Oaks Baptist Church
402 Viney Grove Road in Prairie Grove, AR
P.O. Box 424, Prairie Grove AR  72753
on Facebook @prairieoaks