Tag Archives: faith

Just Live by Faith

The confidence given to us by the superiority of Jesus Christ, in Whom we trust, is to valuable to let doubts and discouragement take its place.  Steadfast faithfulness has its reward and is commended by God with righteousness.  Let us persevere like the other redeemed sinners who have gone before us.

Hebrews 10:35 – 11:2

Preached Sunday morning, June 28, 2020 by Brad D Harris

Forgiven by God to Know Him

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10).  But what does it mean to fear the LORD?   Yet the psalmist tells us in Psalm 130 that we are forgiven our sins in order that we would fear the LORD.  Perhaps we should reconsider our forgiveness in order to better know the LORD who forgives.

Psalm 130

Preached Sunday morning, June 7, 2020 by Brad D Harris

Saved to Uttermost

So Great a Salvation we have in Jesus Christ.  He saves those who follow Him to the uttermost with His once for all sacrifice of Himself and always making intercession for us (that we need), until the salvation is perfected in Him.

Hebrews 7:22-28

Preached Sunday morning, May 3, 2020 by Brad D Harris

God at work in Ruth

God is at work in some people and you cannot miss His handiwork.  Their lives radiate His love and righteousness.  And Ruth has come a long ways from her old way of life in Moab to Bethlehem of Judah as a woman of great reputation.   And God is using her faithfulness to Him to bear testimony to His faithfulness to work in behalf of those whose hearts are set on Him (2 Chronicles 16:9).  And the LORD has another man of great valor in Bethlehem to be used by Him to bless Ruth.  God is on the move!

Ruth 1:22 – 2:13

Preached Sunday morning, February 23, 2020 by Brad D Harris

Returning to God together

Naomi decided to return back home after years away.  Yet the Spirit seems to imply that there is something spiritual about her return as well, something we call “repentance.”   But surprisingly, her sister-in-law chose to go with her which implies a significant step of repentance and faith on her part.  And for her as a Gentile to make that decision is even more intriguing when you consider that her only source of information about God is her mother-in-law.   Would someone follow Christ based on your testimony, even when your world falls apart?

Ruth 1:1-18

Preached Sunday morning, February 16, 2020 by Brad D Harris

Wise unto Eternity

Jesus used a curious parable to teach a profound truth – we need to be prepared for the future.  The future often comes without warning.  And most important is the future in eternity.  Are we investing in eternity or only in today?  Listen in as we examine the different points that Christ makes from the story of the Unjust Steward.

Luke 16:1-11

Preached Sunday morning, February 9, 2020 by Brad D Harris

Favor with God comes first

“Never has a man spoken like this Man!” Jesus had a demeanor that even His opponents found irrefutable at times.  It has been remarked that the Lamb of God had to be silent at His trial or they would not have been able to carry out their miscarriage of justice.  John tells of one of those occasions when the opponents of Jesus were confounded by the Son of Man.  Yet Jesus showed unswerving loyalty to His first calling, to perfectly obey the will of His Father.

John 7:37-53

Preached Sunday morning, February 2, 2020 by Brad D Harris

A Warning and Promise to Embrace

The writer of Hebrews has reminded the believers to continue building on the foundation that has been laid.  But then he warns that one should not abandon the foundation of faith in Jesus Christ alone.  The warning is that there is no other foundation that brings us to God.  But the promise is that God will fulfill what He has started in us by faith.  What He starts, He completes.  That is proven by our staying in the faith with Jesus Christ.  It’s a tough lesson to wrap our minds around but is designed to strengthen our trust in Him.
This is the third in a multi-part sermon series on spiritual growth and perseverance

Hebrews 6:4-18

Preached Sunday morning, October 20, 2019 by Brad D Harris

The Foundation is Christ

The writer of Hebrews reminds the readers that we don’t accidentally grow, we have to pursue maturity.   But in growing, we don’t leave what we learned first.  Instead we build on that foundation, Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone.  Here we are given six elements of that foundation that the writer wants them (and us) to build upon.  And we see how Christ is the one who holds it all together as we pursue maturity.
This is the second in a multi-part sermon series on spiritual growth and perseverance

Hebrews 6:1-3

Preached Sunday morning, October 13, 2019 by Brad D Harris

Why do hard times matter?

A lot more can be said than can be understood when it comes to the mystery of the incarnation of Christ and His perfect obedience to the Father’s will.  And His example as the Suffering Servant leaves us humbled as we often endure the trials to our faith through tribulation.  But it reminds us that Christ never asks us to do something that He has not done Himself.  Let us continue to trust when the road grows dark.

Hebrews 5:5-10

Preached Sunday morning, September 29, 2019 by Brad D Harris