Tag Archives: salvation

Noah found grace

Noah found grace

Noah sought God while living in a world that ignored God at best and defied God more often than not. And by his faith, Noah found grace in God’s sight. And God rewards those who seek Him. The LORD showed Noah the coming judgment and the plan for salvation from the condemnation. Noah by faith, trusted and obeyed the plan of God and rescued himself and his household from the judgment against sin.

Hebrews 11:6-7 and Genesis 6:8-9

Taught Sunday morning, June 4, 2023 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Wages or Gift

Paul uses an analogy that he says is imperfect but still communicates an essential lesson for us. We have been set free from sin as a slave-master whose wages are corruption, shame, and death. Now that we belong to Christ, why would someone want to still want to work a second job for sin? Sin still pays corruption, shame, and death. Instead, we should work wholehearted for Christ who doesn’t just give us wages but He gifts us right-living, holiness, and eternal life.

Romans 6:23

Taught Sunday morning, May 7, 2023 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Sin Shall Not Reign

We resume our study through Paul’s letter to the Roman church with a challenge – who reigns over your life? Who is the Master that we obey? It is one thing to say Jesus is Lord, but do our words and actions reflect that? We are to surrender every part of our body to His way of life or we reveal that sin reigns there instead.

Romans 5:20 – 6:14

Taught Sunday morning, April 23, 2023 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Loved His Enemies

God demonstrated His love for us even while we were still ungodly, enemy sinners, Christ died for us to reconcile us back to our Creator and Judge, saving us from the wrath to come.

Romans 5:6-11

Taught Sunday morning, March 26, 2023 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

The Justice of God

Justice is a core value of who God is. It is deplorable to Him when injustice takes place – both the punishment of good and the promotion of wickedness. Yet last week we saw that none of us are good. We all have sinned and enjoyed it, guilty before a righteous God. Thankfully mercy is also a core value. God the Father and God the Son orchestrated a plan before time in order to remain righteous and just while also rescuing sinful humans from sin in order to give them righteousness.

Proverbs 17:15 and Romans 3:21-26

Taught Sunday morning, February 26, 2023 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Right-standing through faith

All are guilty before God as revealed by the law. The righteousness of God is revealed to be through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe.

Romans 3:9-22

Taught Sunday morning, February 19, 2023 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Forgetful Sinners

God says through Paul that no one can truly be an agnostic. There is enough evidence in creation to know there is an always and all-powerful Creator who is incorruptible and righteous. The problem is that humanity suppresses what they know and that leads no where good. Instead, it leads to foolish thinking, foolish desires, and foolish feelings which leads to foolish sin practices. And we all are guilty of the ingratitude that starts the downward spiral. But God is a good Parent, He pursues His sinful humans so that some will let Him rescue them. Will you?

Romans 1:16-32

Taught Sunday morning, February 5, 2023 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

The Righteous by Faith Shall Live

Paul writes to the church in Rome to introduce himself. And to know Paul is to know his passion for the gospel of Jesus Christ. So this lengthy letter from the apostle is more about the salvation message than the messenger himself. And his thesis statement is that Jesus has provided righteousness to all sinners who believe Him.

Romans 1:8-17

Taught Sunday morning, January 22, 2023 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

The Spirit Enables

Acts is crucial for connecting the gospel accounts of Jesus to the collection of letters that make up most of the New Testament books. Acts begins with the resurrected Jesus ascending into heaven triumphantly, leaving the apostles to waiting for empowerment from on high. And power is what they get. The Holy Spirit emboldens Peter and the rest of the Twelve to boldly proclaim that Jesus is Lord to the glory of the Father.

Acts 1:1-21

Taught Sunday morning, January 15, 2023 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Peace with God

Peace is more than a cool down in hostilities.  In Hebrew, Shalom includes a wholeness from righteous rule that brings justice and fruitfulness for all.  And that kind of peace can only happen once we are at peace with God.  What does that mean?  Peace with God is when repentant sinners are surrendered to King Jesus to receive His forgiveness as purchased at His cross.  Hence He is known as the Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6-7 and Romans 5:8-11

Taught Sunday morning, December 11, 2022 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!