Tag Archives: God’s will

Looking unto Jesus

As both our example of faith and the object of our faith, Jesus stands as the climax of Hebrews 11 and its list of heroes. Thus let us run the course set before us with endurance. There are hindrances to be set aside. There will be hostility from opposition. But looking unto Jesus, we see Him on the other side of those sacrifices and seated at the right hand of God. Let’s Go!

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we now have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Hebrews 12:1-3

Preached Sunday morning, August 16, 2020 by Brad D Harris

Prairie Oaks Baptist Church
402 Viney Grove Road in Prairie Grove, AR
P.O. Box 424, Prairie Grove AR  72753
on Facebook @prairieoaks

Moses traded up

It boggles the mind how Moses willingly traded the power, prestige, pleasure and treasure of Pharaoh’s household in order to identify with slaves. Yet with a hope that could not be realized in this life or even in this world, Moses by faith counted the cost and saw the gain in following Christ. How about you? Following Christ may cost you less than Moses forsook, but it’s still hard to let it go sometimes. But what holds us back is garbage compared to what is offered before us in Christ. Let’s endure together.

Hebrews 11:23-29

Preached Sunday morning, July 26, 2020 by Brad D Harris

The Father guides in the desert

Why does God allow the hard times in our lives?  Does He have a purpose for those dry, challenging circumstances we face?  Moses reminds the children of Israel and us that like a good Father, God brings us through the desert wilderness to test us and prepare us for greater victories ahead, if we will learn the lessons of the wilderness.

Deuteronomy 8

Preached Sunday morning, June 21, 2020 by Brad D Harris

God’s plan is good

God had a word of hope for the beleaguered exiles of Jerusalem living in Babylon.  That message of hope and grace is ultimately fulfilled in Christ for us.   We walk through this familiar verse and its surrounding context to understand how our troubling times are not an indication that God has lost control.  Rather, His message to us is that He has a plan to give us hope and confidence beyond our circumstances.

Jeremiah 29:10-14

Preached Sunday morning, March 15, 2020 by Brad D Harris

The Bigger Story in Ruth

Boaz and Ruth were faithful to God in their generation.  God used that faithfulness to pivot the story of redemption from Genesis all the way to King David and beyond to the King of kings Jesus.  Yet, like us, Ruth and Boaz did not realize the importance of their place in God’s story, they were just doing the right thing because God said to do it.  May we take heart to remain faithful and let God do His work for the glory of Christ.

Ruth 4:9-22

Preached Sunday morning, March 8, 2020 by Brad D Harris

Favor with God comes first

“Never has a man spoken like this Man!” Jesus had a demeanor that even His opponents found irrefutable at times.  It has been remarked that the Lamb of God had to be silent at His trial or they would not have been able to carry out their miscarriage of justice.  John tells of one of those occasions when the opponents of Jesus were confounded by the Son of Man.  Yet Jesus showed unswerving loyalty to His first calling, to perfectly obey the will of His Father.

John 7:37-53

Preached Sunday morning, February 2, 2020 by Brad D Harris

Jesus Growing Up

We don’t know many details, and it staggers the imagination.  Jesus was a baby, a toddler, a child, an adolescent, and young adult all before He was publicly revealed again to be the Messiah on the banks of the Jordan River.  And that growing up was vital part of being our Savior, fulfilling righteousness for us leading up to be our sinless Sacrifice.  But this little glimpse into His boyhood has much to teach us.

Jesus grew up.  We should continue to grow up as well.

Luke 2:39-52

Faithful in Purity

Some of us just want to be nice and get along.  Kindness is a Christian virtue.   But Jesus, the Son of God, seems harsh when He calls for integrity and purity of His church in Thyatira.  They have allowed false doctrine and immorality to infiltrate and infect their growing body of Christ.  And Christ of the penetrating discernment is coming to judge the problem.  His church is doing things right and He wants to continue that with integrity.
This is the fourth in a seven-part sermon series on church revitalization.

Revelation 2:18-29

Preached Sunday morning, November 24, 2019 by Brad D Harris

Growing toward Maturity

God accepts us and loves us just as we are.  Yet He loves us too much to leave us that way, as spiritual infants.  The Father desires us to grow toward maturity, closer to the image of His Son, perfect humanity.  Yet the writer of Hebrews reminds the readers that we don’t accidentally grow, we have to pursue maturity.   This is the first in a multi-part sermon series on spiritual growth and perseverance

Hebrews 5:12-14

Preached Sunday morning, October 6, 2019 by Brad D Harris

Why do hard times matter?

A lot more can be said than can be understood when it comes to the mystery of the incarnation of Christ and His perfect obedience to the Father’s will.  And His example as the Suffering Servant leaves us humbled as we often endure the trials to our faith through tribulation.  But it reminds us that Christ never asks us to do something that He has not done Himself.  Let us continue to trust when the road grows dark.

Hebrews 5:5-10

Preached Sunday morning, September 29, 2019 by Brad D Harris