Tag Archives: Paul

Do you know what you are sowing?

We are sowing our money, time, and energy into something constantly. And we will reap what we sow those resources into. How much of it will be of eternal worth? And how much of it will be regrettable later? We need to think about investing some of our money, time, and energy into things that are everlasting – God and souls.

Galatians 6:6-10

Taught Sunday morning, September 18, 2022 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Fruit of Holy Spirit

In contrast to the works of the sinful fleshly nature, abiding in Christ through walking in the Spirit produces fruit that is consistent with God’s character and modeled by Christ. We choose whether to crucify the old nature and walk in the Spirit, but it is the Holy Spirit that produces the fruit.

Galatians 5:22-26

Taught Sunday morning, September 4, 2022 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

From the ears to the Mouth

Now that our heart spoke through our mouth of our faith in Lord Jesus, now we are all sent with beautiful feet to tell others to hear of the good news of Jesus the Messiah so that they too can believe in their heart and confess with their mouth of their trust in Lord Jesus. And as we tell those in our circle of influence, we help send others to go beyond our circle to around the area and around the world.
www.gideons.org and www.bmaamerica.org

Romans 10:8-15

Recorded Saturday evening, August 27, 2022 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Fruit of the Sin Nature

Paul’s letter gives a scary warning. The sinful nature, the “flesh” is in warfare with the Spirit for the heart and mind of the believer. We must choose which desires we will pursue. Paul warns that this list of bad behaviors and attitudes (not comprehensive) are incompatible with God’s Holy Spirit nor His kingdom. And while they may be a part of our past, we need to leave them in the past based on what our future holds and Who holds us (see also 1 Corinthians 6)

Galatians 5:16-21

Taught Sunday morning, August 14, 2022 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Liberty to Love

The apostle Paul has concluded his defense of the gospel. Christ has set us free from the regulations of the Law from Sinai. He does not want the Galatian believers putting themselves under bondage to those laws at the expense of grace. Yet he also does not want them using their liberty to indulge sinful desires either. Rather, this liberty is given so that we may be like Christ and love others. Love fulfills the law of Christ.

Galatians 5:13-16

Taught Sunday morning, August 7, 2022 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Inherit with Christ

The gospel is for all people: Jews and Gentiles of all ethnicities, all economic classes, both men and women. We are all equally sinners, and we are equally adopted into the family of God through Christ, receiving an equal salvation. The fullness of time has come, God sent forth His Son that we might receive the adoption into the family of God.  And as adopted “sons” we receive the inheritance in Christ!

Galatians 3:26 – 4:7

Taught Sunday morning, July 24, 2022 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Blessed with Christ

How good is good enough for whom? If the expectation is perfection to the ponderous law of God, then we all fall short. But the LORD has declared some to be in right-standing with Him. But how? Belief and disobedience. Blessing and curses. The weighty dilemma is resolved by Christ on the cross.

Galatians 3:5-14

Taught Sunday morning, July 17, 2022 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Crucified with Christ

Paul says, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

Galatians 2:20

Taught Sunday morning, July 10, 2022 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Surrender and Rescue

The Apostle Paul. Not everyone called him by that title, nor believe that he should have that title. And they also didn’t think he knew the gospel. So Paul writes this letter to churches he had just planted, not just to promote himself, but to verify the truth of Jesus Christ and the good news that he taught as the only way to God. There is no other way to heaven than through Jesus Christ, and Paul was chosen to bear that message.

Galatians 1:1-5

Taught Sunday morning, June 26, 2022 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Faithful in Humility

Barnabas and Paul get chased from one town and preach in the next town. Lystra of Lycaonia presents a new challenge for the apostles. A miraculous healing prompts the locals to think that Paul and Barnabas are the pagan gods in disguise. It’s all the apostles can do to convince the multitude that worship belongs to the Living God, Creator of heaven and earth. Their testimony of humility is eclipsed by their testimony of faithfulness as they continue to testify even after Paul is nearly murdered in Lystra.

Acts 14:8-23

Taught Sunday morning, June 12, 2022 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!