Tag Archives: salvation

Favor with God

It is easy to consider the Christian religion to be a series of “do’s” and “do not’s” but that is inaccurate.  Rather, Christianity is an emphatic “done” in Christ for Jesus proclaimed from the cross, “It is finished!”  And these messages are no different.  We take the time to hear from God how Christ gave us favor with God, when we needed it most.
Christ increased in favor with God on our behalf.

Luke 2:52 and Isaiah 52:13-15 and Isaiah 53:1-12

Preached Sunday morning, January 26, 2020 by Brad D Harris

Blessed in Christ

While the pastor was off, we had a technical malfunction and did not record our guest speaker.  Our apologies, Bro. Allen.  But the last time the preacher was gone back in August, Bro. Gabe Harris came and preached the word for us at Prairie Oaks, twice in one day.  We posted the morning message back then.  This week we are including Gabe’s verse-by-verse exposition from Ephesians 1 that he preached to our evening congregation.

Ephesians 1 is a powerful passage of Scripture that we do well to ponder upon often as Paul condenses what Christ accomplished for each of us who are in Christ.  And Gabe does a great job of revealing the glory that Paul packed into this letter.

Ephesians 1

Preached Sunday evening, August 18, 2019 by Gabe Harris