Tag Archives: salvation

Right-standing through faith

All are guilty before God as revealed by the law. The righteousness of God is revealed to be through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe.

Romans 3:9-22

Taught Sunday morning, February 19, 2023 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Forgetful Sinners

God says through Paul that no one can truly be an agnostic. There is enough evidence in creation to know there is an always and all-powerful Creator who is incorruptible and righteous. The problem is that humanity suppresses what they know and that leads no where good. Instead, it leads to foolish thinking, foolish desires, and foolish feelings which leads to foolish sin practices. And we all are guilty of the ingratitude that starts the downward spiral. But God is a good Parent, He pursues His sinful humans so that some will let Him rescue them. Will you?

Romans 1:16-32

Taught Sunday morning, February 5, 2023 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

The Righteous by Faith Shall Live

Paul writes to the church in Rome to introduce himself. And to know Paul is to know his passion for the gospel of Jesus Christ. So this lengthy letter from the apostle is more about the salvation message than the messenger himself. And his thesis statement is that Jesus has provided righteousness to all sinners who believe Him.

Romans 1:8-17

Taught Sunday morning, January 22, 2023 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

The Spirit Enables

Acts is crucial for connecting the gospel accounts of Jesus to the collection of letters that make up most of the New Testament books. Acts begins with the resurrected Jesus ascending into heaven triumphantly, leaving the apostles to waiting for empowerment from on high. And power is what they get. The Holy Spirit emboldens Peter and the rest of the Twelve to boldly proclaim that Jesus is Lord to the glory of the Father.

Acts 1:1-21

Taught Sunday morning, January 15, 2023 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Peace with God

Peace is more than a cool down in hostilities.  In Hebrew, Shalom includes a wholeness from righteous rule that brings justice and fruitfulness for all.  And that kind of peace can only happen once we are at peace with God.  What does that mean?  Peace with God is when repentant sinners are surrendered to King Jesus to receive His forgiveness as purchased at His cross.  Hence He is known as the Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6-7 and Romans 5:8-11

Taught Sunday morning, December 11, 2022 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Son of David, Have Mercy

David is pretty heroic in Sunday School stories, pretty cringe-worthy at other points in his life. Yet God made a BIG promise to David that people are still talking about it in eternity. God would establish a “house” for David so that the Son of David would establish a “house” for God and be established in God’s kingdom forever. With all the talk about “seed” and “forever” it makes you wonder how anyone got confused about this covenant ever being about a temple in Jerusalem. It is so much bigger than that.

1 Chronicles 17:1-15

Taught Sunday morning, December 4, 2022 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

In the Beginning…

There is so much joy at the announcement and birth of Jesus the Messiah. The anticipation had built for so long with promises made and symbolic teasers revealed. We want to spend a couple weeks letting the excitement build as we approach this Christmas. And the beginning of the story is the beginning of it all – Genesis.

Genesis 1-3

Taught Sunday morning, November 6, 2022 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

From the ears to the Mouth

Now that our heart spoke through our mouth of our faith in Lord Jesus, now we are all sent with beautiful feet to tell others to hear of the good news of Jesus the Messiah so that they too can believe in their heart and confess with their mouth of their trust in Lord Jesus. And as we tell those in our circle of influence, we help send others to go beyond our circle to around the area and around the world.
www.gideons.org and www.bmaamerica.org

Romans 10:8-15

Recorded Saturday evening, August 27, 2022 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Fruit of the Sin Nature

Paul’s letter gives a scary warning. The sinful nature, the “flesh” is in warfare with the Spirit for the heart and mind of the believer. We must choose which desires we will pursue. Paul warns that this list of bad behaviors and attitudes (not comprehensive) are incompatible with God’s Holy Spirit nor His kingdom. And while they may be a part of our past, we need to leave them in the past based on what our future holds and Who holds us (see also 1 Corinthians 6)

Galatians 5:16-21

Taught Sunday morning, August 14, 2022 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!

Inherit with Christ

The gospel is for all people: Jews and Gentiles of all ethnicities, all economic classes, both men and women. We are all equally sinners, and we are equally adopted into the family of God through Christ, receiving an equal salvation. The fullness of time has come, God sent forth His Son that we might receive the adoption into the family of God.  And as adopted “sons” we receive the inheritance in Christ!

Galatians 3:26 – 4:7

Taught Sunday morning, July 24, 2022 by Brad D Harris

We hope that this online service has blessed you.  It is funded by the generous participants of Prairie Oaks Baptist Church.  If you would like to contribute to Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we have a donation page so that you can securely give online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and prayerfully supporting us.  I hope we continue to further you in your journey with Christ!