Tag Archives: devotions

God asks for relationship.

The teacher asked one question of the Greatest Teacher. What is the greatest commandment that God gave us? Jesus gives him two commands that go well beyond obedience. The commands are invitation to relationship with the Eternal Holy God Almighty. And in relationship with Him, God challenges us to join Him in His pursuit of love relationship with others.

I included more of the audio from the worship service just to give you a glimpse of our time on a Sunday morning.  I record the podcast through a microphone I wear, hence the reason you hear me better than those who pray or lead singing.  But we love all these parts of our worship service.

Mark 12:28-34

Preached Sunday morning, August 23, 2020 by Brad D Harris

Forgiven by God to Know Him

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10).  But what does it mean to fear the LORD?   Yet the psalmist tells us in Psalm 130 that we are forgiven our sins in order that we would fear the LORD.  Perhaps we should reconsider our forgiveness in order to better know the LORD who forgives.

Psalm 130

Preached Sunday morning, June 7, 2020 by Brad D Harris

Importance of Weakness

We all face times when the world seems out of control and a dangerous place.  For many of us, the last couple months have seemed such a time.  But in those positions of weakness, as much as we hate them, embracing that weakness gives us opportunity to know God in a more intimate way.  Only then can we know as the psalmist that the LORD is our refuge and our strength.

Psalm 46

Preached Sunday morning, May 31, 2020 by Brad D Harris

Song of Giving Thanks

Regardless of how we may feel, the truth is unchangeable.  And God is unchangeable and always worthy of praise.  We always have reason to give thanks.  Psalm 100 helps us see why.   We belong to One who is always good and has everlasting mercy.

Psalm 100

Preached Sunday morning, May 17, 2020 by Brad D Harris

Know the LORD now

Do you have some extra time on your hands or busier than ever?  Either way, now is the time to make this a priority.  Whatever else we may think is important, this should be at the top of the list.  Everything else is temporary.  Our relationship with the LORD should be our boast and joy.  Let’s keep making time for Him no matter what else is going on.

Jeremiah 9:23-24

Preached Sunday morning, March 29, 2020 by Brad D Harris

Wise unto Eternity

Jesus used a curious parable to teach a profound truth – we need to be prepared for the future.  The future often comes without warning.  And most important is the future in eternity.  Are we investing in eternity or only in today?  Listen in as we examine the different points that Christ makes from the story of the Unjust Steward.

Luke 16:1-11

Preached Sunday morning, February 9, 2020 by Brad D Harris

Being with God in the Word

While the pastor was on vacation, Gabe Harris came and preached the word for us at Prairie Oaks.  We wanted to share the audio from His message on the importance of daily time with God through His Word.  Please give it a listen as he had many good points that our summary does not cover.

2 Timothy 3:14-17

Preached Sunday morning, August 18, 2019 by Gabe Harris