Category Archives: Sermon

Peace of Mind from the God of Peace

Part one of a two-part series on “You Are What You Think.”  The apostle Paul challenges our inner dialogue to choose between worry or peace.  And that is a challenge for some of us.  But God also equips us with reasons to trust Him in spite of the appearances of the circumstances around us.  The Holy Spirit knows how to give us His peace that is better.

Philippians 4:6 – 9

Preached Sunday morning, June 9, 2019 by Pastor Brad D. Harris

Press Forward to the End

Single-minded focus and laser intensity are the impressions we get of the apostle Paul from his letters and the glimpses we get from Luke’s account in the book of Acts.  Yet Paul is convinced that each follower of Christ should whole-heartedly pursue a closer fellowship with Christ each day.  We should strive always forward with Jesus.

Philippians 3:7 – 14

Preached Sunday morning, June 2, 2019 by Pastor Brad D. Harris

When God works in us, we work better

Another profound statement from Paul for us to consider a while.  Work out that salvation within you for it is God working in you to desire and do according to His good pleasure.  We all could use a good workout, especially of our spiritual life in Christ.  An evidence of His Spirit in us is the desire to work towards being more like Christ.

Also included is one more graduate being honored.  We are thankful and love this generation of young people.

Philippians 2:12 – 13

Preached Sunday morning, May 26, 2019 by Pastor Brad D. Harris

To Live is Christ and to Die is Gain

The apostle Paul inspired generations of Christ-followers with his simple but profound life-statement, “for to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” We examine that statement here in Philippians to challenge ourselves to pursue that ideal with all our being as Paul had found satisfying in his day.

It is also a touching time of year as some of our kids (who have been clandestinely growing up) are hitting the milestone of high school graduation.   We included some audio as we honor two of our guys transitioning to adulthood.  We are indeed blessed with these and many other fine young people.

Philippians 1:19-30

Preached Sunday morning, May 19, 2019 by Pastor Brad D. Harris

Working Together for the Next Generation

The message this week is fast and brief.  We were blessed to hear Bro. Jay Norton from the Gideons International share about the power of God’s Word to transform lives and their ministry to get the Word of God there.  We are thankful to help support that mission, both local and global. 

Sorry, but the audio does not contain Bro. Jay but only contains Bro. Brad briefly sharing the importance of investing our lives to knowing God through His Word and sharing Him to the Next Generation.  In the audio, we left in a prayer from Mason if you can hear it.  He’s a blessing to our church.  And it’s a little reminder why you may not hear the entire Sunday morning worship service.  Brad is recording the audio with his phone in his shirt pocket.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Preached Sunday morning, May 12, 2019 by Pastor Brad D. Harris

Prayer of Thanks for his friends

Tough and passionate, yet the apostle Paul stopped to write thank you notes to those wonderful friends who financially supported his ministry.  And we benefit from that gratitude with the wonderful letter to the church in Philippi.  We take a Sunday to appreciate his gratitude and learn more about prayers of thanksgiving.

Philippians 1:3-11

Preached Sunday morning, May 5, 2019 by Pastor Brad D. Harris

Christ seated at the Right Hand

Christ rose from the dead, conquering the grave!  He proved His victory to His disciples with undeniable proofs over the course of forty days.   Then He bodily ascended into heaven while the disciples watched in awe.  The Ascension to the right hand of the Father is a vital part of His victory.   Let’s understand more why this is important.

If you would like to contribute to the Prairie Oaks and their audio ministry, we now have a donation page so that you can give securely online to help this ministry.  Thank you for listening and considering this.

Acts 2:32 – 36

Preached Sunday morning, April 28, 2019 by Pastor Brad D. Harris

Christ Suffered for us

In this Easter morning message, we focused on the importance of the anguish and suffering our Savior endured even before the agony of the cross had begun.  For in His seeming weakness, He accomplished so much.

This Easter Sunday was another full Sunday in which I hate to say, but you had to be there to appreciate God’s presence that morning.  I am so thankful for the diligence of our people for a wonderful outdoor service at 8:30, breakfast fellowship, and then well-done music in the 11am worship service.  Click on our Facebook link to see pics from the last couple Sundays and more!

Matthew 26:36-46

Preached Sunday morning, April 21, 2019 by Pastor Brad D. Harris

A Most Important Question

How you answer that question is revealed by your life.  God looks on the heart for your answer and all of eternity is at stake.  Who do you say that He is?

This Palm Sunday was a full Sunday for us and a smaller portion than normal of the service made it in the audio.  The microphone on my pocket didn’t pick up the great singing from the Eubanks family, much less of the egg hunts, pancake breakfast, and sweet fellowship and small groups.   Click here to find out more about our friends, the Eubanks.  Click on our Facebook link to see pics from Palm Sunday and more!

Matthew 16:13-16

Preached Sunday morning, April 14, 2019 by Pastor Brad D. Harris

When the answer is silence…

A desperate woman asks but does not receive her request, even after asking repeated times.  Yet the trying of her faith reveals a greater persistence and trust than what would have been revealed with an immediate answer.  “Great is your faith,” the Master replies to a woman who would not give up.  Would you?

Matthew 15:21-28

Preached Sunday morning, April 7, 2019 by Pastor Brad D. Harris