Category Archives: Sermon

Salt and Light in Kingdom

To live by the King’s standards and instructions will cause one to stand out and be different.  Jesus illustrates the affect this difference will have on the world around you with these two metaphors – salt and light.

Matthew 5:13-16

Preached Sunday morning, January 20, 2019 by Pastor Brad D. Harris

The Kingdom Way to Joy

The King lays out the way to have joy in His Kingdom.  But it’s unlike any other way to happiness, but it does involve a joy greater than what happens.  Sometimes known as the Beatitudes, the King offers true blessing in Himself.

Matthew 5:1-12

Preached Sunday morning, January 13, 2019 by Pastor Brad D. Harris

Follow the King and bring others

The Kingdom has come and the King invites fishermen to follow Him in the Kingdom and bring other potential followers with them.  Are you following the King?  Are you bringing others to Him?
Matthew 4:17-23.
Preached Sunday morning, January 6, 2019 by Pastor Brad D. Harris

Christmas story told by Apostle Paul

The Apostle Paul knew the Christmas story (after all, his bff was Luke who tells us much of the Christmas story).  But in his letter to the Galatian believers, Paul was more concerned with the significance of the Incarnation than the rest of the characters in the nativity set.
Galatians 4:4-7
Preached Sunday morning, December 23, 2018 by Pastor Brad D Harris

Lazarus – you will rise!

Christ is our High Priest. But this is not a passive role for the Lord.  This Priest is also our Warrior-King.  And the Warrior-King is putting Death on notice that the Resurrection and the Life has power over death and the grave.  Jesus reveals the power and the glory of God.

John 11:38-44.

Preached Sunday morning, November 11, 2018 by Pastor Brad D. Harris

We thank our veterans for their sacrifices to give us life and liberty beyond what we deserve.

Mary – will you love Him?

Jesus loved Martha, Mary, and Lazarus.  But doesn’t He love everyone?  This family enjoyed a closeness with Immanuel that few others enjoyed.  Even as He allows them to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, He still cares for them, deeply.  But will you still love Him?
John 11:28-36.
Preached Sunday morning, November 4, 2018 by Pastor Brad D. Harris

Martha – will you believe?


Christ our High Priest ministers to us even in our darkest days.  As Martha struggled in the loss of her brother, Jesus nurtured her faith to remember what she already knew.  When the pain is great, will you still believe?
John 11:17-27.
Preached Sunday morning, October 28, 2018 by Pastor Brad D. Harris

Disciple – will you follow?

Jesus is our High Priest who draws our faith closer to Him.  Thomas was willing to go with him to die with him.  But when the test comes, will you follow Jesus beyond our comfort zone?
John 11:1-16.
Preached Sunday morning, October 21, 2018 by Pastor Brad D. Harris